Ray Switch Icon


A node that returns a specific input color according to the ray type being evaluated by the renderer [Heckbert:1990:ART:97880.97895].


Color Attributes

Camera Ray Color
The color that passes through for primary visibility rays, also known as camera rays.
Light Ray Color
The color that passes through light rays, involved in light emitting surfaces and light sources (via EDF or emittance distribution functions). This is also used in Bi-Directional Path Tracing [1] and in Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping [2].
Shadow Ray Color
The color that passes through for shadow rays, that compute the visibility between two points.
Transparency Ray Color
The color that passes through for rays of type transparency, for matte holdouts, and when the transparency closure is evaluated.
Diffuse Ray Color
The color that passes through for rays of type diffuse, typically involved in indirect diffuse lighting.
Glossy Ray Color
The color that passes through for glossy rays, typically involved in glossy indirect specular lighting, such as blurry/soft reflections or refractions.
Specular Ray Color
The color that passes through for specular rays, typically involved in the calculation of perfect mirror reflective or refractive surfaces.
Subsurface Ray Color
The color that passes through for rays of type subsurface, typically involved in lighting calculations of BSSRDFs.


Output Color
The color that passed passed through for the specific ray type.


[1]BDPT for short, see [Veach:PhD]
[2]SPPM for short, see [Hachisuka:2009:SPP:1618452.1618487]


[HJ09]Toshiya Hachisuka and Henrik Wann Jensen. Stochastic progressive photon mapping. ACM Trans. Graph., 28(5):141:1–141:8, December 2009. URL: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1618452.1618487, doi:10.1145/1618452.1618487.
[Hec90]Paul S. Heckbert. Adaptive radiosity textures for bidirectional ray tracing. SIGGRAPH Comput. Graph., 24(4):145–154, September 1990. URL: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/97880.97895, doi:10.1145/97880.97895.
[Vea97]Eric Veach. Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Light Transport Simulation. PhD thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 1997. AAI9837162.