Disney BSDF


The Disney principled BRDF [McAuley:2012:PPS:2343483.2343493], a physically based material.


Common Material Parameters

Surface Color
The surface color
Subsurface Amount
The amount of sub-surface scattering [1]

Specular Parameters

Specular Amount
The amount of specular highlights
Specular Roughness
The apparent surface roughness affecting the specular highlights
Specular Tint
The tinting amount of the specular highlights, with a value 0 having achromatic highlights, and a value of 1.0 inheriting the surface color.
A low value is suitable for the appearance of dielectrics such as plastic, with a higher value producing more intensity specular reflections, and more suitable for conductors.
Anisotropy Amount
The amount of anisotropy affecting the specular highlights, with a value of 0.0 producing isotropic highlights, and a value of 1.0 producing full anisotropic highlights.
Anisotropy Angle
The angle affecting anisotropic highlights, which maps the values from [0,1] range into [0,360] range.
Anisotropy Vector Map
A vector tangent field (color) map, with the X and Y anisotropy directions encoded in the R and G channels.

Sheen Parameters

Sheen Amount
The amount of sheen, see Westin velvet.
Sheen Tint
The tinting (color) affecting the sheen effect.

Coating Parameters

Coating Amount
The amount of (clear) coating on the material, producing an extra layer of (usually) sharp highlights.
Coating Glossyness
The coating layer glossyness, with low values producing a dull like highlight, similar to a high surface roughness value, and higher values producing sharper highlights.

Bump Parameters

Bump Normal
The unit length (bump) normal, usually passed from a bump2d or a bump3d node.

Advanced Parameters

Ray Depth
The maximum number of bounces a ray is allowed to travel.


Output Color
The final result color.
Output Transparency
The resulting transparency (unused presently).
Output Matte Opacity
The resulting matte opacity.



[1]In the shader, it’s not a full BSSRDF, but an approximation using only single scattering.


[MHH+12]Stephen McAuley, Stephen Hill, Naty Hoffman, Yoshiharu Gotanda, Brian Smits, Brent Burley, and Adam Martinez. Practical physically-based shading in film and game production. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses, SIGGRAPH ‘12, 10:1–10:7. New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. URL: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2343483.2343493, doi:10.1145/2343483.2343493.