Attributes Icon


A node that exposes to the user the general attributes specified in OSL [1] and the appleseed renderer specific attributes.


This node has no input parameters.


Assembly Instance ID
An integer value containing the ID of an assembly [2] instance.
Assembly Instance Name
A string containing the name of the assembly instance.
Assembly Name
A string containing the name of the assembly.
Camera Clip Far
The farthest camera clipping plane.
Camera Clip Near
The nearest camera clipping plane.
Camera FOV
The camera Field Of View [3].
Camera Pixel Aspect
The camera pixel aspect.
Camera Projection
The camera projection.
Camera Resolution X
The camera X resolution.
Camera Resolution Y
The camera Y resolution.
Screen Window X Max
The screen window x maximum value.
Screen Window X Min
The screen window x minimum value.
Screen Window Y Max
The screen window y maximum value.
Screen Window Y Min
The screen window y minimum value.
Shutter Close Time
The shutter closing time.
Shutter Open Time
The shutter opening time.
Object Instance ID
An integer containing an object instance’s ID.
Object Instance Index
An integer containing an object instance’s index.
Object Instance Name
A string containing the object instance’s name.
Object Name
A string containing an object’s name.
Ray Differentials
An boolean denoting if the path being traced has ray differentials.
Ray Depth
A integer denoting the present ray depth.
The absolute index of refraction of the medium the present ray is travelling in. This is affected by nested dielectrics [ND.2002.10487555].
Ray Length
The current path’s length.


[1]OSL or Open Shading Language.
[2]See appleseed’s wiki entry for assemblies concepts and procedural assemblies.
[3]See field of view wikipedia page <> for more details.


[SB02]Charles M. Schmidt and Brian Budge. Simple nested dielectrics in ray traced images. Journal of Graphics Tools, 7(2):1–8, 2002. URL:, arXiv:, doi:10.1080/10867651.2002.10487555.