Glass BSDF


A Glass BSDF [Walter2007], with volumetric absorption.


Surface Transmittance

Transmittance Color
The color that is transmitted to the underlying glass medium. A color of 0 will mean no transmittance will take place, a color of one will mean full transmittance. This parameter is weighted by the next parameter, transmittance amount.
Transmittance Amount
Transmittance amount, with a value of 0 meaning no light reaches the glass medium, and a value of 1.0 meaning a full amount reaching the glass medium. This is useful for compositing the glass BSDF with other BxDFs.

Specular Parameters

Reflection Tint
Overall tint for the reflection (BRDF) component of the glass BSDF.
Refraction Tint
Overall tint for the refraction (BTDF) component of the glass BSDF.
Index of Refraction
Absolute index of refraction
The apparent surface roughness, affecting both the reflection and refraction equally.
Anisotropy Amount
Overall intensity of the anisotropy effect, with a value of 0.0 representing isotropic specular highlights.
Anisotropy Angle
Rotation angle for the anisotropic highlights, with the value in [0,1] range mapping to a rotation from 0 to 360 degrees.
Anisotropy Vector Map
Also known as tangent field, encodes the anisotropy directions along X and Y in the Red and Green or Red and Blue channels of the image. appleseed expects values encoded in the Red and Green channels.

Volume Material Parameters

Volume Transmittance
Color of the volumetric absorption as the refracted ray travels within the medium.
Transmittance Distance
The distance at which full absorption is supposed to occur. When this distance is set to 0, no absorption takes place. Lower values imply a stronger absorption, and higher values imply a weaker absorption effect as the ray would need to travel a greater distance for full absorption to take place.

Bump Parameters

Bump Normal
The unit length world space normal of the bumped surface.

Advanced Parameters

Ray Depth
The maximum ray depth a ray is allowed to bounce before being terminated.


Output Color
The BSDF output color.
Output Transparency
The output transparency.


The output transparency is unused at the moment.



[WMLT07]Bruce Walter, Stephen R. Marschner, Hongsong Li, and Kenneth E. Torrance. Microfacet models for refraction through rough surfaces. In Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics Conference on Rendering Techniques, EGSR‘07, 195–206. Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 2007. Eurographics Association. URL:, doi:10.2312/EGWR/EGSR07/195-206.