Visibility ========== .. image:: /_static/screenshots/object_panels/visibility.PNG | - Visibility Flags: These flags determine if an object is visible to specific ray types during rendering. - Ray Bias: This is used to offset the starting point of a ray from the surface of an object. - Object Alpha: This allows a user to determine the transparency of an object. The parameter can also be driven by a texture map, allowing for cutout effects like leaves. - Double Sided Shading: This tells the renderer to apply the object material to both sides of the polygon. This is required for glass materials to render properly. - Nested Glass Priority: This allows you to set the priority for this object where it intersects with another object. A higher number equals a higher priority (i.e. 2 takes precedence over 1). This allows you to correctly render intersecting media like fluid in a glass. - SSS Set: A user can assign this object to an existing SSS set by selecting it here.